51. N-Queens

N-Queens - LeetCode

The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle. You may return the answer in any order. Each solution contains a distinct board configuration of the n-queens' placement, where ‘Q’ and ‘.’ both indicate a queen and an empty space, respectively.

Example 1: Input: n = 4 Output: [[".Q..","…Q",“Q…”,"..Q."],["..Q.",“Q…”,"…Q",".Q.."]] Explanation: There exist two distinct solutions to the 4-queens puzzle as shown above

Example 2: Input: n = 1 Output: [[“Q”]]


1 <= n <= 9

  • code brute force
class Solution:
    def solveNQueens(self, n: int) -> List[List[str]]:
        res = []

        def put_queue(board, row_start, col_start):
            for i in range(n):
                board[i][col_start] = "N" # Q makes it invalid

            row, col = row_start, col_start
            while 0 <= row + 1 < n and 0 <= col + 1 < n:
                row, col = row + 1, col + 1
                board[row][col] = "N"
            row, col = row_start, col_start
            while 0 <= row - 1 < n and 0 <= col - 1 < n:
                row, col = row - 1, col - 1
                board[row][col] = "N"
            row, col = row_start, col_start
            while 0 <= row + 1 < n and 0 <= col - 1 < n:
                row, col = row + 1, col - 1
                board[row][col] = "N"
            row, col = row_start, col_start
            while 0 <= row - 1 < n and 0 <= col + 1 < n:
                row, col = row - 1, col + 1
                board[row][col] = "N"

            board[row_start][col_start] = "Q"
            return board

        def dfs(queue_row, board):
            if queue_row == n:
                for row in range(n):
                    for col in range(n):
                        if board[row][col] == "N":
                            board[row][col] = "."
                res.append("".join(row) for row in board)
            for col in range(n):
                if board[queue_row][col] == ".":
                    old_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
                    new_board = put_queue(board, queue_row, col)
                    dfs(queue_row + 1, new_board)
                    board = copy.deepcopy(old_board)

        board = [["." for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
        dfs(0, board)
        return res

  • code
class Solution:
    def solveNQueens(self, n):
        # Making use of a helper function to get the
        # solutions in the correct output format
        def create_board(state):
            board = []
            for row in state:
            return board
        def backtrack(row, diagonals, anti_diagonals, cols, state):
            # Base case - N queens have been placed
            if row == n:

            for col in range(n):
                curr_diagonal = row - col
                curr_anti_diagonal = row + col
                # If the queen is not placeable
                if (col in cols 
                      or curr_diagonal in diagonals 
                      or curr_anti_diagonal in anti_diagonals):

                # "Add" the queen to the board
                state[row][col] = "Q"

                # Move on to the next row with the updated board state
                backtrack(row + 1, diagonals, anti_diagonals, cols, state)

                # "Remove" the queen from the board since we have already
                # explored all valid paths using the above function call
                state[row][col] = "."

        ans = []
        empty_board = [["."] * n for _ in range(n)]
        backtrack(0, set(), set(), set(), empty_board)
        return ans
  • code
class Solution:
    def solveNQueens(self, n):
        def DFS(queens, xy_dif, xy_sum):
            p = len(queens)
            if p==n:
                return None
            for q in range(n):
                if q not in queens and p-q not in xy_dif and p+q not in xy_sum: 
                    DFS(queens+[q], xy_dif+[p-q], xy_sum+[p+q])  
        result = []
        return [ ["."*i + "Q" + "."*(n-i-1) for i in sol] for sol in result]

whenever a location (x, y) is occupied, any other locations (p, q ) where p + q = = x + y or p - q = = x - y would be invalid. We can use this information to keep track of the indicators (xy_dif and xy_sum ) of the invalid positions and then call DFS recursively with valid positions only. At the end, we convert the result (a list of lists; each sublist is the indices of the queens) into the desire format.