
Koreader比Kobo本身的阅读器好用太多,翻页速度,各种快捷键,pdf裁边等等。我入了Kobo sage后没多久就装了Koreader。

安装参考链接: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314220

最近想试试Kobo自带的Pocket,Koreader上的read it later插件wallabag还要自己找服务器配置实在麻烦,就退出了Koreader连上Wifi更新Pocket的list,没想到Kobo自动更新了。自动更新后,右下角NickelMenu点开没有了KOReader,显示Error。

这可怎么办,搜了一圈4.32 + Koreader没找到什么结果,还以为是不支持新版本,后来才发现是每次官方固件升级后的必备操作:

NOTE: Something that bears repeating from KFMon’s FAQ: a FW update will disable it, so you’ll have to reinstall it after a FW update in order to be able to launch stuff again, which is why there’s a package dedicated to that listed at the bottom of this post.

